About Us

Our dedicated team members, the life force of our firm, are the key to our clients' financial success. We foster an environment of trust and teamwork where expertise flourishes. By putting our team members first, we empower them to deliver exceptional financial services to our clients. 


Thomas M. Keuler, CPA

Tom graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Accounting. He has been a practicing Certified Public Accountant since 1976, and has worked in that capacity in both public and private accounting positions in local, regional and international firms with heavy emphasis in all areas of taxation. Our firm, Thomas M. Keuler, CPA was started in 2000, and is the second Certified Public Accounting Firm started by Tom. In addition, Tom has been the Accounting Instructor at Ripon College since August, 2002. Tom is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Taxation from the Washington School of Law.


Other Team Members:

Paul Leslie, EA  Senior Tax Specialist
Connie Streblow, Payroll Specialist
Sara Smith, Staff Accountant
Kate Luebke, Staff Accountant
Daniel Johnson, Tax Preparer
Dawn Toman, Tax Preparer
Mary Karolyn Keuler, Intake Specialist
Lisa Keuler, Office Administrator

Our firm provides outstanding service to our clients because of our dedication to the three underlying principles of professionalism, responsiveness and quality.